The Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) degree is for experienced ministry leaders already in vocational ministry. You will sharpen your ministry skills, critically engage alternative perspectives, and learn how to integrate insights from social sciences and other disciplines into your ministry. Graduates will understand cross-cultural and intercultural issues and dynamics within their ministry settings and articulate a biblically-informed theology of ministry. This program will root you in a biblical vision of faith that guides your ministry and prepares you to embrace the effort and perseverance required to lead others in faithful living.

Ways to study

Doctoral | Online

Program concentrations

Global Evangelism (Current Cohort) | Collaborative Leadership (Upcoming Cohort)

Course plan


Application deadlines

Pursue your Doctorate with Expert Help

The program follows a cohort model meaning a group of students will experience their entire “in-class” doctoral education together with a two-week intensive on-campus in Portland once a year. You are invited to learn from trusted and respected faculty who are devoted to the success of their students. Motivated by academic excellence and a love for ministry, people, and God, the D.Min. faculty will provide the insightful mentorship that you need to complete your doctorate and apply it to ministry.

Doctoral Students

Example Courses

The courses listed below are some of our featured core classes that will be a part of your educational journey here at MU. Take a look at each course for a small preview.

This course will focus on the unique role of the Holy Spirit in the process of Christian transformation. The apostle Paul’s call for the believers in Galatia to “Keep in step with the Spirit” will be employed as a crucial Bible calling. The Spirit’s ministry will both be distinguished from the Persons of the Father and Son and engaged as God’s bonding presence in the believer’s union with Christ and communion with the Father. The Spirit’s work in shaping the New Testament Church will be taken as an applied model for both our personal faith; and for reforming the practices of today’s Christian communities.

This course is about leaders developing organizational structures and discipleship processes specific to different generations and cultural climates that invite participation in the missional outcomes of their specific organization.

This course is an analysis and development of themes related to key qualities of spiritual formation pertaining to Christian ambassadorship (vulnerability, humility, charity, and discernment are required for one who serves as a guest in ‘another land’ here and abroad). Attention is given to skills in conflict resolution that consider structural and individual-relational dynamics, and hermeneutical sensitivities of appropriate suspicion of power dynamics. Thoughtful consideration is given to strategically and redemptively siding with those who are oppressed as one serves Christ’s kingdom.

This intensive helps actuate missiological convictions into a local context by unveiling personal biases and dissecting the relationship between Gospel, church, and culture. Attention is given to comparing generational articulations and responses to the Gospel.

Identifying redemptive windows in the domains of a post-Christian society, this course is about reading cultural signs that can reveal future realities and how leaders can call people to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Attention is given toward a post-atheist culture.

Degree Requirements

Here you will find everything you need to know about what is required to successfully complete your degree.

Course Layout

Meet Your Professors

Faculty Headshot Derek Chinn
Derek Chinn, D.Min.
Dean, Multnomah Biblical Seminary and Graduate School; Director, Master of Divinity Program; Assistant Professor, Pastoral Ministries and Practical Theology
Faculty Headshot Greg Dueker
Greg Dueker, D.Min.
Assistant Professor, Pastoral Ministries; Director, Doctor of Ministry

Program Concentrations

Global Evangelism

The Global Evangelism concentration focuses on the strategic role of evangelists in leading the church in fulfilling the Great Commission. Outcomes focus on developing new strategies and methodologies for effectively communicating the Gospel, culturally relevant ways of engaging the church in evangelistic ministries, and strategic principles for building and sustaining evangelistic ministries.

Career Placement

With your D.Min., you can enhance your current ministry or pursue future ministry roles, such as

• Senior Pastor • Associate Pastor • Church Planter
• Missionary • Evangelist • Chaplain
• Parachurch Ministry Leader • Community Development Leader • Community Outreach/Missions Pastor